My initial Inspiration.

The postcards in the Harry Page collection are often a mix of generic drawings or photographs with personalised touches. I became drawn to those which had been hand painted – often quite gaudily with garish colours and glitter. The end result drew attention to the owner or the giver as much as the subject of the picture.

26 April, 2014 17:33

26 April, 2014 02:34

25 April, 2014 23:57

Sean McCrossan


**Q. What originally interested you in the image and archive option?**

The thing that initially drew me to image and archive was as arbitrary as it being about images and how we interact with them. It has come to mean an awful lot more to me than that.

**Q. What are you using as source material?**

I wasn’t hugely struck by the content of the Harry Page collection in the library, so I focused on the idea of collecting. When we moved on to looking at the VRC (visual resource centre) something ignited in me and I was hooked. The slide collection is a place where you could get lost. It is like a physical representation of Google’s image search. I am, as a result of this initial reaction, working with the slides.

**Q. Can you tell me a little about your first experience with the source material?**

I guess that I started to answer this question in the last one, but I can say that I was in awe of the slide collection and the nostalgia. I was overwhelmed with how many questions were popping into my head. The first time I had a chance to go back and spend some time exploring I became obsessed with the images of Manchester and also the collection of posters and graphic art.

**Q. Can you briefly outline the work you are exhibiting?**

My work has focused on getting people interested in archives. Access to collections and archives gets more and more restricted as time goes on and as we realise both the importance of the materials and how delicate they can be. Instead of making the actual archive available by digitisation or some other sub par method I’m looking at producing the next wave of researchers who can get to a position where they can get access to the sensitive materials. Im looking at creating artefacts that inspire people to delve deeper into the world of archives and collections. To do this I’m playing with the feelings of nostalgia and the part of our brains that tells us to collect things.

**Q. How did this idea develop out of the source material?**

To get to the source material you have to know how to get access. It isn’t necessarily for everyone and not everyone is interested in it.

Think about great science museums, they let you experience investigations on a level that is accessible to almost everyone but to get to the point where you are allowed inside the LHC you have to be interested beyond the ‘wow’ level that you get from toy rockets. Translate this to these incredible archives and collections and you want people to work up a level of respect and understanding before they are able to interact with the real material.

**Q. How does this relate to your main research?**

My main research involves looking at the relevance of printed images, when documenting architecture, in an increasingly digital age. This is an off shoot of that in that I am using physical objects to represent other physical objects that are inaccessible and would otherwise be experiences on a computer screen missing all of the tactility.

**Q. Can you see a way for the idea that you have explored in this work progressing or is this purely a stand alone project?**

I’m really interested in 3D printing and prototyping as well as other digital technologies that try to represent ‘things’. I definitely want to work with the contents of the slide collection again. As I already stated this work shares some really interesting themes with my main research so the theories will continue to cross over.

The Future?

This article came up whilst I was researching 3D printing and it is an aspect that I haven’t really thought about, I can think of ways that this could be dealt with but I’m not sure how feasible they are.


(Click the image for the article)

3D Printer co AR